Preparatory courses in skill competitions

World Skills Competitions are competitions in skill areas such as information technology, mechanics, mechatronics and … that are held annually in the country by Iran Technical & Vocational Training Organization. In this marathon, competitors prepare to participate in the World Skills Competition, which is held every two years under the auspices of the IVTO .Since these competitions are completely operational in nature, they are given special attention by the largest companies in the world. In these competitions, which are held for three or four days, participants from all over the world have to implement their defined projects and their work is evaluated by the judges at the end.
المپیاد مهارت، المپیاد ملی مهارت، مسابقات ملی مهارت، فنی و حرفه ای، wordskills، المپیاد، روبیکو، آموزش، متخصص، مهارت، مسابقات مهارت، اشتغال
Competitors create posters based on their creativity and learning, as well as standard display outputs based on web pages and cyberspace.
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The field of network systems management, known by the international code 39, is one of the most popular fields of the World Skills Olympics.
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Includes a variety of topics, including bookmarking, graphics, and computer programming to create, develop, and maintain a website.
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Trainees in this field are trained to facilitate trade and business in all areas, including the basics of software engineering, software production process and its implementation.
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